Public Schools (K-12)
Design of Schools requires a full range of design skill and competency. On any given day or time, there are ten or more different activities that are happening at the same time; in the classrooms, in the office, library, labs, music rooms, cafeteria, Gym, kitchen or other rooms and spaces that are essential or ancillary to the education process. MEP engineers not only must have the experience to design spaces for the various functions, but they also must be able to integrate those systems to avoid conflicts or competing systems. In the US, energy utilization from MEP systems accounts for nearly 60% of the total energy consumed by school buildings on annual basis; design of efficient, more sustainable systems is a must. MEP engineers should be able to design smart and effective control systems for effective control of environmental conditions and to facilitate trouble shooting and problem or conflict detection.
Andrew Jackson Jr. Middle School, PGCPS – Forestville, MD
William Hall Elementary School, PGCPS – Capitol Heights, MD
Samuel Massie Elementary S, PGCPS – Forestville, MD